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2022 Schedule updates

Why we made those changes

The schedule is often packed with information, including:

  • A session description
  • A list of presentations and speakers
  • A presentation times
  • Links to livestreams
  • The name of the physical room
  • and more.

Many participants browse the schedule on their mobile phones. At hybrid and virtual events, participants are from different timezones and need to see which sessions are virtual, which are live and be able to access the livestreams easily.

Participants that attend events with many sessions and parallel like to bookmark their favorite sessions to build their personal agenda.

Considering all of this and that the schedule is an important aspect of any event, we decide to make some important changes.

What's new

The schedule is now divided into 2 sections:
  1. Schedule at a glance
  2. Session details page

Below are some key features for each.

Schedule at a glance

The day of the event, live sessions show a clear button to join livestreams. Also, the time until the start of each upcoming session is shown and translated in minutes or hours using the participant's time zone.

The description of the session is show.

Session details page

When you click on a session, a detailed page shows the full description and a timeline of it's presentations (if any) as well as the room, start and end time and access to livestream (if any).

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