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Announcement of the upcoming launch of Fourwaves Version 3.0

Matthieu Chartier, PhD.
Matthieu Chartier, PhD.

Published on 06 Feb 2021

The evolution of the technology underlying Fourwaves has passed through different stages. Version 1.0 (Science on the spot) launched in 2012 and upgraded to version 2.0 in 2014.

Version 3.0, which will be released in the spring of 2021, took a lot of effort and time. This is why there has been very little updates on in the last year.

This in-depth overhaul of our technology will accelerate the development of new features to allow you to organize brilliant virtual, hybrid or physical events!

This article briefly explains what the new version will include upon launch and what you need to know if you are still using the original version.

A step ahead even before launch!

Even before its official launch, we have already introduced some new features on the new version compared to the previous version.

Here are a few:

  • Tools for organizing virtual poster sessions.
  • Publication of the event schedule.
  • Better display of presentations (search, filters by category).
  • Possibility to share pre-recorded videos.
  • Interface 100% adaptive to mobile phones and tablets.
  • Blazing-fast organizer panel.
  • Dashboard with general event statistics.
  • Two event website templates.
  • The ability to assign multiple conditions to form fields.
  • The ability to put a description to the form fields.
  • Greater flexibility on the labels for all fields.
  • The ability to organize the form into sections.
  • The ability to edit the email address tied to a form.
  • The possibility for organizers to search through their data.
  • More field types for the review form.

This is just the start!

Following the official launch, we will devote ourselves 100% to the development of new features. Here are some aspects we will be working on:

  • Refinement of the existing tools for virtual poster sessions.
  • New tools to facilitate networking between participants.
  • Better communication between participants and exhibitors / sponsors.
  • New tools for streaming of speakers and panel discussions.

Do not hesitate to contact us at to share your needs and ideas with us!

If you are currently using

The launch of the new version will be March 28th 2021.

Here are some important points to remember for those who have not yet upgraded to the new version:

  • All your data and events will be transferred automatically to the new version (
  • You will need to reset your password when you log in for the first time.
  • The content of the pages of the event websites will no longer be editable. However, you will be able to create a new content block on these pages to update the information if need be. See the section below.

How to edit the content of your previous events after the migration

When the migration occurs, each page (like the home page or any other custom page you added in previous events) will keep its content, but the latter will be in a content block that is not editable. The main reason for this is we changed the way you add content to your event websites. You now need to add content blocks that can be of different types (text only, text + image, file uploads, speaker list, etc.). Plus we have a new Schedule page. This is really to better control the display on different screen sizes and the user experience.

You'll need to copy-paste the content directly from your event website and paste it in a new content bloc. You might want to use different content blocks for different types of content. For example, if it's a list of speakers, use the speaker's block. If it's just text, use the text block. If there are any files to download use the files block, etc.

You can find more information on this article, which refers to others for specific content blocks.

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